Inserts and Handouts

Decree Inserts

2021 Annual Decree Focus Booklet / book-fold / single pages

Current Decree Focus / Short Calls

Great Divine Director Novena Insert

10/4 Axis Clearance Matrix

Order of the Golden Lily Ascension Service--book-fold

Order of the Golden Lily Ascension Service-- 2 pages


06.01E Four AM Insert

El Morya Takes Our Personal Burdens

07.24A Sealing of US Borders

20.15B Cut Free the Sons and Daughters of Afra-2015

07.11 Halloween Calls rev. 10.31.17

06.01T End of the Year Call rev. 11-29-16

0.06A Advent Prayers

07.13C Mark Prophet Election Call rev. 5-3-16

20.15A Call to Afra for Unity

Key Races for the 2020 Elections

07.23M Exorcism of the Manipulators of the Media rev. 6-15-17

07.13P Call for the Platform of Ascended Master Principles--2 pages

07.13 Call for the Platform of Ascended Master Principles--book-fold

ABORTION                                                                                                                                                back to top

83.12 Protect Life Aborning in the Womb

83.33 Expose the Lie and Save those Children in the Womb

83.35 Mighty Victory Reinforce God-Reality and the Triumph of the Feminine Ray

83.00-83.66 Ruby Ray Invocations for the Defense of Life in the Womb--2 pages

83.00-83.66 Ruby Ray Invocations for the Defense of Life in the Womb --book-fold

83.43 The Maxim Light for the Defense of the Life of the Cosmic Virgin

83.55 Judgment of Abortion--the Abortionist and Abortion Mills

83.64 Oromasis and Diana March Across the USA to Consume the Cause and Core of Anti-Love--Hatred and Lust of the Child

83.65 For the Adjudication of the Manipulation of Life by the Fallen Ones

Abortion, Genetic Engineering and Cloning Fact Sheet-- book-fold

Abortion, Genetic Engineering and Cloning Fact Sheet--2 pages

AMERICA                                                                                                                                                      back to top

07.23A Restoring the Wholeness of Our Four Sacred Freedoms

07.28A Violet Flame Victory for America

09.81 Divine Plan of America and India

09.86 God-Victory of the Divine Plan for America and India

10.08A Destiny of America

110.00 For the Anchoring of the Power of the God Star Sirius in Washington, DC

110.04 Miracles of Saint Germain, Descend for the Saving of America

110.33 For the Protection of the President

Cloud--United States

American Creed

80.14 Deliver this Nation Under God

CALLS                                                                                                                                                            back to top

06.01D Dome Clearance

06.02B Sealing of the Lightbearers

06.02F Insert for the Cutting Free of the Lightbearers

06.03A Empower the Great White Brotherhood

06.03R Call for Mother and Lanello to Stand at the Altar

06.04Q Clearing the Four Quadrants

07.21A Calls for the Consuming of all Fear, Doubt and Anxiety

20.22 Reestablish the Golden Chain Mail

30.12 Prayer for the Invocation of the Holy Spirit

70.00A For the Victory of the Age of Aquarius

Call for Supply

Call to Lanello to Descend the Spiral Staircase

Great Divine Director Call

Calls and Affirmations to the Archangels--2 pages

Calls and Affirmations to the Archangels--book-fold

70.20 Ruth Hawkins Violet Flame Call

82.04 Prayer from the Heart of the God Star





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